Photo Detail

Piper 46-500TP

Plane type: Piper 46-500TP
Airport: Unknown
Airline: Private
Registration: OK-SVK
Author: Petr Louman
Date taken: 11/2012
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 3322×


Garmin G1000 map during Kuwait - Iraq flight (ferry China - Europe)

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Petr Louman (...203.192...)
2013-01-07 11:09

Jojo, tohle je do Erbilu. Celá trasa domů se jinak skládala z legů:
Kunming (Čína) - Mandalay (Myanmar/Barma) - Kolkata - Nagpur - Ahmadabad (vše Indie) - Karachi (Pakistán) - Muscat (Oman) - Abu Dhabi (UAE) - Kuwait - Erbil (Irák) - Ankara (Turecko) - Bukurešť - Praha

XEAR - unsigned guest (...213.51...)
2013-01-05 13:41

Pecka. Let do Erbilu ?

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