Photo Detail


Author: Ivan Čáni ml.
Date taken: 2011-08-26
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 2638×


26.08. Nice suprise in Tatry, first photo this airline from there on


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Lubo - unsigned guest (...55.240...)
2011-08-28 09:19

krásavec...a ten interiér to je zážitok :-))) pre info..letel z Černivci (Ukrajina) do Tbilisi (Gruzínsko) so súčiastkami vrtuľníkov

sinar - unsigned guest (...86.30...)
2011-08-27 11:29

ještě s kulometným hnízdem na zádi :-))

Ivan - unsigned guest (...98.223...)
2011-08-27 08:33

odvážal nejaké bedne od ATE-čka

vlado - unsigned guest (...101.167...)
2011-08-26 21:29

prý jen fuel stop

Adam - unsigned guest (...216.165...)
2011-08-26 21:23

Ten tu čo robil? odkial priletel? a kam odlietal? :I)O

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