Photo Detail


Plane type: L159B
Airport: Off airport
Airline: Aero Vodochody (AOD)
Registration: 6073
Author: Petr Štefl
Date taken: 05/2011
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 10754×


27.05. On the flight from Vodochody to Caslav (for Open Day)

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Gripen1995 - unsigned guest (...45.149...)
2013-06-14 15:25

To je nádhera!

Michal Krechowski (...77.89...)
2011-06-15 10:49

Hezká letovka Pítrs :)

Žeryk - unsigned guest (...162.187...)
2011-06-15 09:25

Hezký Petře, zdravím

Jendapilot - unsigned guest (...240.99...)
2011-06-15 08:08

Krásná letovka!

bubak - unsigned guest (...176.160...)
2011-06-15 00:19


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