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Autor: Peter Pšenica
Datum pořízení: 15.03.2021
Počet hodnocení: 4×
Počet zobrazení: 1100×


Spoločnosť AirExplore plánuje od mája 2021 prenajať jedno zo svojich lietadiel opäť na ostrovy Palau v Tichom oceáne, tentokrát pod hlavičkou Palau Express Airlines.


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Peter Pšenica (...40.242...)
18.03.2021 13:40

Hi Malcolm,
thank you for your interest in my picture, Actually I do have a Facebook account, but I am a classic spotter from the good old days :-), so I do not use it too much. Of course you are welcome to link/share my photo in your FB Group, it would be my pleasure. My greetings to Etienne Zammit and the rest of great Malta spotters !
Best wishes from Slovakia,

Malcolm Bezzina - nepřihlášený host (...71.190...)
17.03.2021 13:52
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Dear Peter
I have a facebook group of delivery and ferrying aircrafts.Not sure if you have a facebook account. but the group name is Worldwide: Civil/Military/Rare Teschstops. I wish if you can take sometime to share the Palau B738 with us pls

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