Detail fotografie


Autor: Geo
Datum pořízení: 29.01.2016
Počet hodnocení: 3×
Počet zobrazení: 1623×


O více než 5 hodin zpožděný přílet linky z Pekingu.

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Geo (...48.50...)
11.02.2016 10:05

Rutger: email me :)

Michal Krsek (...113.228...)
10.02.2016 10:48

We have spotting guide, but Czech only -

Hopefully Google translate helps

rutger - nepřihlášený host (...248.132...)
10.02.2016 10:37
Request Spotting map PRG

Very nice shot! I am planning to make a Trip to PRG airport soon for a spotting trip however I would like to know how to get to this photo location could someone please let me know how to get there or maybe a small map of the spotting locations at PRG?

Celkem 3 záznamy

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