Detail fotografie

VC10 Type 1151

Autor: líný králík - sbírka
Datum pořízení: 1976
Počet hodnocení: 5×
Počet zobrazení: 2476×

Kategorie a uživatelská alba

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25.04.2015 22:00

Hi, just to confirm that Michal is not a director, "just" a helpful team member.

Sorry to all for the software bug, the "70. léta" - "the 1970s" viewed date will be fixed as soon as possible.

Thank you all for patience and respect and thanks for the great photos.

líný králík (...252.68...)
25.04.2015 21:35
2 Milan Cibulka

I know (for a few days only) personally that Michal and Richard are very kind and tolerable persons and enthusiasts, so I rather disagree with you

but of course you have better view from Praha than me from Moskva :)

the best criteria for site is number of visitors and contributors -- as I understand it grows day-by-day -- so (in general) the "vector" is correct
sorry for English

Milan Cibulka (...86.243...)
25.04.2015 21:19

Líný králík
Michal is the new director that does not tolerate any criticism, even constructive. The team under his leadership has gone wrong.

líný králík (...252.68...)
25.04.2015 21:07
2 Milan Cibulka

I haven't any doubt that "it's nothing personal"
but it's impossible to find or calculate precise date
you can only find timeframe and make it as narrow as possible

BTW the date 1970 which appears after your comment is WRONG with no doubt

Michal Krsek (...49.85...)
25.04.2015 21:03

Hi Liny kralik,
it is nothing personal against you, Milan is a former member of the team who knows everything best and he likes to challenge current team.

Not a big deal, we appreciate any note for data improvement, Milan is (probably) just confused in new webdesign and hit the "public comment" button instead hitting "private comment".

So if you have any more precise time of date when photo was taken, we will appreciate it, if you have not, just ignore those remarks.

Sorry for incovencience.

Milan Cibulka (...86.243...)
25.04.2015 20:37

Líný králík
It's nothing personal, it works poorly editors ;-)

líný králík (...252.68...)
25.04.2015 19:49
2 Milan Cibulka

ALREADY British Airways (so after 31/3/1974) but operational Super VC.10 YET (so earlier than 5/1981)

Milan Cibulka (...86.243...)
25.04.2015 19:45
Rok 1970 ???

Takže metoda pokus - omyl? :-D

Milan Cibulka (...86.243...)
25.04.2015 18:34
Datum pořízení samé nuly....

Koukám,že redakce (dataři) se už ani neobtěžují lámat si trochu hlavu nad tím,kdy byla tahle fotografie asi tak pořízena :-/
Dělá to tam vůbec ještě někdo? :-)

Jinak pěkná historie :-T

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