Detail fotografie


Autor: Gabor Podlovics
Datum pořízení: 03/2012
Počet hodnocení: 0×
Počet zobrazení: 1545×

Kategorie a uživatelská alba

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Ouha (...180.222...)
29.05.2012 23:53

GP: you are welcome :) anyway result is what counts, not the effort -
but I must admit that for second look I see more difference, especially the reflecion of the Sun at fuselage and each engine is nice!

lukino1984 (...216.177...)
29.05.2012 19:43

@Ouha: Any photo of this wonderful Cargolux bird is highly appreciated!!!

Gabor Podlovics (...0.82...)
29.05.2012 13:32

Despite your opinion, making this photo was a challenge. It's an evening shot, the sun was already deep under the horizont. The previous one was shot in a bright afternoon. The evening light conditions gave this photo an interesting and strange atmosphere. I hoped people would like it. Anyway, thanks for your opinion.

Ouha (...180.222...)
29.05.2012 13:15

previous photo of this plane was better, don´t really understand sending this as well

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