Detail fotografie


Typ letadla: MIL14PL
Letiště: Darłowo (EPDA)
Společnost: Polish Navy
Registrace: 1012
Autor: Mariusz Kalinowski
Datum pořízení: 11/2010
Počet hodnocení: 0×
Počet zobrazení: 4052×


Nová verze vrtulníku Mi-14, používaného polským námořnictvem.


Kategorie a uživatelská alba


Další fotografie


Jan Mach (...4.247...)
14.11.2010 23:04

Landing seems to be easy, but takeoff is a bit tricky..

Peter - nepřihlášený host (...127.182...)
12.11.2010 23:36

tak to som netusil, ale odavhu by som nato nemal, staci vacsia vlna, hlavne na otvorenom mori a uz nezvlietnes

Mariusz Kalinowski (...190.2...)
11.11.2010 21:27

You must remove the spaces after http:


Mariusz Kalinowski (...190.2...)
11.11.2010 21:25

Peter, you should look at:

http: //

This type of heli can land on the water. Start later, too :-)

Peter - nepřihlášený host (...127.182...)
11.11.2010 15:59

Zaujimalo by ma preco ma spodok upraveny na pristavanie na vode. Ked podla logiky pristavat s vrtulnikom na vode je samovrazda

Dan - nepřihlášený host (...195.175...)
10.11.2010 21:52 jeste autor uvedĺ a neveslo se do popisky, just in case by to nekoho zajimalo:
PL/R version of Mi-14 helicopter, specifically adapted for the SAR missions, was rolled out last week. The letter "R" in the name stands for Rescue. The new version is based on PL version and was developed by removing some of the unnecessary equipment, a new radar was added as well as GPS and VOR/TAC systems. The new version was also equipped with a crane. Polish Navy has been withdrawing Mi-14PS, the last aircraft of this type, registration 1013, will be withdrawn in November. There is currently one helicopter of the new type - registration 1012. 1009 will be the second to enter the service..

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