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Autor: Ldrikk
Datum pořízení: 08/2007
Počet hodnocení: 0×
Počet zobrazení: 2727×



Kategorie a uživatelská alba

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28.11.2007 09:10

Thanks John, I'm glad you like the pic. Air Canada 767s are regular visitors to Frankfurt, like many others. For me Frankfurt is a fine airport - it is reachable from Prague, and namely the traffic is something one appreciates most. Unfortunately, given the airport topology and surroundings, there are not many "creative" photography spots around there - and as a result many shots from FRA/EDDF are sort of the same... Greetings to Toronto! Cheers Oldrich

John Kozeluh - nepřihlášený host
28.11.2007 08:26

Working for Air Canada now almost 35 years, I know this aircraft , like the others very well. As a matter of fact ones I flew on this one in particular to Franfurt some years ago. I write down every aircraft identification in my notes . That is why your picture is of interest to me . I was born in Prague. Keep a good work . Best regards from Toronto , John

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