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Typ letadla: L39ZA
Letiště: Čáslav (LKCV)
Společnost: Czech Air Force (CEF)
Registrace: 5017
Autor: Petr Garaj
Datum pořízení: 26.05.2007
Počet hodnocení: 0×
Počet zobrazení: 3749×


26.05. Návšteva stroje z 221. taktické letky na DOD LZ Čáslav


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Martin - nepřihlášený host (...99.142...)
05.03.2013 13:25

Jak muze byt z caslavi kdyz ma znak nameste.

Jim Miller - nepřihlášený host (...42.210...)
14.02.2011 17:57

2 of your AF pilots - Captains Pavel (Pavel) Pavlek and David Jahoda are presently flying out of Caslav AFB CZ and I met them here at the Defense Language Institute here in San Antonio.
My wife and I became close friends with them as well as other CZ military and I visited the CZ in 2006 and plan again to go this fall.
I have much admiration for your military members and their professionalism.
Thank You,

Mr and Mrrs (TSgt Retired) Jim Miller

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