Photo Detail


Plane type: MIL17
Airport: Off airport
Airline: Slovak Air Force (SQF)
Registration: 0846
Author: Vladimír Vido
Date taken: 2023-07-03
Number of ratings: 4×
Number of views: 1582×

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Hans - unsigned guest (...239.24...)
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VlastaSF (...4.129...)
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Žilinská ulice, že? :-)

Robo - unsigned guest (...41.94...)
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Náhodou som to spoznal. Je to v Trenčíne, resp. nad Trenčínom.

O. M. - unsigned guest (...231.2...)
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Škoda, že v poznámce není, kde to je.

Syrda (...81.80...)
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Hodně dobrý

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6 records

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