Photo Detail


Author: Peter PÅ¡enica
Date taken: 2021-12-07
Number of ratings: 13×
Number of views: 1894×


The DC-3 pilot warms up the engines before take-off from runway 30 at Opa Locka heading for Bahamas.

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zlato (...48.18...)
2022-01-19 09:26

Tak to je chuťovka! Jak éro, tak destinace :-T

Peter PÅ¡enica (...99.35...)
2022-01-18 14:08

Díky :-) Aspoň slabý závan histórie a krásy v tej dnešnej unifikovanosti v letectve...

Petr Popelář (...250.30...)
2022-01-18 10:14

Nádhera Petře!

Adrian Kozera (...209.193...)
2022-01-18 07:26


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