Photo Detail


Author: Peter PÅ¡enica
Date taken: 2021-02-27
Number of ratings: 8×
Number of views: 1368×


Boeing 767-300 of Condor positioned ferry today from Frankfurt to operate historically first charter flight from Bratislava to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic tomorrow.


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Peter PÅ¡enica (...40.242...)
2021-02-28 18:05

Malo to lietať pravidelne každých 8 dní od 20.2. do 9.4., ale nakoniec z toho ostal iba jeden termín, odlet tam 28.2. a návrat späť 8.3. Škoda, bol by to býval historicky prvý pravidelný charter z Bratislavy do Karibiku :-(

Dan - unsigned guest (...103.14...)
2021-02-28 08:40

Bude to letat Peter nejak pravidelne ? Dik

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