Photo Detail


Author: Peter Pšenica
Date taken: 2020-09-19
Number of ratings: 9×
Number of views: 1330×


Spotters in Vienna were delighted on Saturday morning by this attractively painted B737-500 from Canada.

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Peter Pšenica (...103.255...)
2020-10-02 18:15

Díky moc, pánové. V dnešnej situácii, keď nikde nič poriadne nelieta a nikam sa nedá cestovať, človek ide autom vyše 50 km do LOWW aj kvôli jednému lietadlu ako je toto...

lubomir.germany (...74.148...)
2020-10-02 12:48


Petr Šimáček (...142.238...)
2020-10-01 17:44

Super úlovek a moc hezká fotka.

3 records

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