Photo Detail


Author: Václav Šesták
Date taken: 2019-01-12
Number of ratings: 5×
Number of views: 1940×

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Václav Šesták (...135.76...)
2019-01-15 12:01

Já jsem se sekl s popisem o řádek

Jana Su - unsigned guest (...50.202...)
2019-01-15 11:01

Pekna fotka, ale popis se mi nezda. Nevim jak jste dosel k čiroku, ale k
五粮液 [wu3 liang2 ye4] "šťáva 5 zrní" jsem nasla toto:

Wuliangye Yibin Company Limited (Chinese: 宜宾五粮液股份有限公司; pinyin: Wǔliángyè) is a Chinese alcoholic beverage company. It specializes in manufacturing baijiu, and is best known for Wuliangye, made from five organic grains: Proso millet, corn, glutinous rice, long grain rice and wheat.


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