Photo Detail


Author: Ivo Kotala
Date taken: 2015-06-04
Number of ratings: 10×
Number of views: 4659×


Alitalia has presented its revised new corporate c/s, with this A320 bearing the signatures of many employees.


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Syrda - unsigned guest (...95.40...)
2015-06-09 08:56

foxx Díky, já to pochopil jinak.

jirka.zapletal (...48.48...)
2015-06-09 07:59

To musela bejt pakárna to tam všechno lepit

Foxx (...107.208...)
2015-06-08 13:52

Dyť to tam přeložený je :-) "Začátek nové cesty" :-)

Syrda - unsigned guest (...95.40...)
2015-06-07 20:51

Prosím, přeložit.

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