Photo Detail


Plane type: B747-8R7F
Airport: Off airport
Airline: Cargolux (CLX/CV)
Registration: LX-VCC
Author: MirekS
Date taken: 03/2014
Number of ratings: 4×
Number of views: 5218×


Air to air over Czech Republic...

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ICARcz (...222.224...)
2014-09-16 14:54

Spíše Cargoluxus :-)

John the Blind - unsigned guest (...80.198...)
2014-09-16 01:59

prostě... CARGOLUX :-)

Michal Maňák (...113.63...)
2014-07-23 23:10


sg - unsigned guest (...103.40...)
2014-07-23 05:01


Jakub Vaněk (...102.97...)
2014-07-22 19:32

Josef: tak tady bych to neřešil, buďme rádi, že se s tím autor podělil :-)

Josef Bitar - unsigned guest (...240.83...)
2014-07-22 18:43

SUPER!!!jenom dotaz...japato,ze je tak do modra??

Veronika - unsigned guest (...81.210...)
2014-07-22 16:46

Perfektní fotka! :)

bugr (klf) (...183.57...)
2014-07-22 13:27

Tohle se mě stát nemůže, vždycky čekám celý let a nic. Paráda!

lulovycvikaramerickyvmexikuknihyctouciatortilyjedouci2005 - unsigned guest (...228.20...)
2014-07-22 12:27

Mega nádhera :-)

Syrda - unsigned guest (...95.40...)
2014-07-22 10:58


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