Photo Detail


Plane type: MD11
Airport: Amsterdam (AMS/EHAM)
Airline: KLM (KLM/KL)
Registration: PH-KCA
Author: Majo Oravec
Date taken: 01/2014
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 2437×


KL671 to Montreal

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majo - unsigned guest (...8.40...)
2014-02-04 04:00

Toronto lietali v lete, v sucasnosti s nimi lietaju YUL, SFO a obcas DXD

Lukáš Herman - unsigned guest (...192.3...)
2014-02-03 20:20

Za dva tydny s ni letim ze San Francisca do Amsterdamu, tak asi jen Toronto ne :-)

Michal Slaby - unsigned guest (...188.227...)
2014-02-03 14:54

Nelitaji s ni uz jenom Toronto ?

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