Photo Detail


Plane type: Long-EZE
Airport: Casa Grande (CGZ/KCGZ)
Airline: Private
Registration: N433EZ
Author: Bubak
Date taken: 12/2013
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 2243×


Owner Richard Reuland

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vorel - unsigned guest (...178.208...)
2014-01-12 00:51


Bubak (...230.114...)
2014-01-11 19:00

...mam kratke video, bohuzel tam neni jak do toho lezou, ale nejdrive to nastartujou a potom zvednou ten predni podvozek a pak do toho lezou. Priste to vyfotim.

vorel - unsigned guest (...178.208...)
2014-01-11 10:40

Zajimavy aparat a ten zpusob parkovani jeste zajimavejsi. Chtel bych videt, jak se leze na zadni sedadlo. Kdysi jsem si podobne stroje prohlizel v Otrokovicich, kde mely mezipristani.

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