Photo Detail


Plane type: MIL26T
Airport: Off airport
Airline: Rostvertol-Avia
Registration: RA-06259
Author: Erik RostovSpotter
Date taken: 11/2012
Number of ratings: 7×
Number of views: 3614×


Sochi (Krasnaya Polyana)

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zhrado - unsigned guest (...127.82...)
2012-12-20 21:34


2012-12-19 11:23

Tak ta je božíí, 10*

jendapilot - unsigned guest (...208.157...)
2012-12-19 09:28

no mazec! tohle vidět letět z takový blízkosti musí bejt taky zážitek..

MK - unsigned guest (...42.175...)
2012-12-19 01:18

Looks a bit noisy :-)

Michal Žilka (...178.226...)
2012-12-19 00:42

To musel být rachot!

Dan (...143.169...)
2012-12-19 00:15

Wow, mazec....

Bubak (...230.114...)
2012-12-19 00:09 je pecka fotka!!! 10*

7 records

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