Photo Detail

Lomac Nautica

Plane type: Lomac Nautica
Airport: Off airport
Airline: Private
Registration: HI-821
Author: Yari_S
Date taken: 12/2009
Number of ratings: 4×
Number of views: 5241×


Bavaro Beach, Punta Cana.

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Pavel - unsigned guest (...246.111...)
2013-02-03 20:18

To bych bral takové svezení.

TeX - unsigned guest (...141.0...)
2013-01-10 11:59

to je aparát

Yari_S (...121.178...)
2012-11-12 16:22

Kdyz pochvali Bubak, to potesi. Diky.

Bubak (...35.32...)
2012-11-12 12:44

...super! 10*

4 records

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