Photo Detail


Plane type: unknown
Airport: Funchal (FNC/LPMA)
Airline: Not specified
Registration: Unknown
Author: Lukáš Mácha
Date taken: 05/2012
Number of ratings: 1×
Number of views: 3299×

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Pavel.A. - unsigned guest (...24.233...)
2016-09-07 18:28

Perfektní provedení . Hezky vynikne sklonění rwy .

RADEK - unsigned guest (...201.18...)
2012-05-16 16:42


Saladyga - unsigned guest (...188.1...)
2012-05-16 13:09

Líbí moc!

David Bernart (...99.204...)
2012-05-16 07:15

Tak to je paráda :)

Jiří Koubek (...177.68...)
2012-05-16 01:06

Wow, moc pěkné! Dobrý nápad i realizace ;-)

5 records

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