Photo Detail


Plane type: unknown
Airport: Off airport
Airline: Czech Airlines ČSA (CSA/OK)
Registration: Unknown
Author: JFK
Date taken: 04/2011
Number of ratings: 1×
Number of views: 10187×


Birthday cake on request in economy class on Prague - Barcelona flight

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JFK - unsigned guest (...188.86...)
2012-02-21 12:47

Nenene tohle byla takova malá narozeninová akcička:

Roman Kratochvil (...244.92...)
2011-10-05 08:32

To jako každej cestující dostal dort ?

havlimir - unsigned guest (...176.86...)
2011-07-04 17:43


Libor Z. - unsigned guest (...113.70...)
2011-04-23 07:35

To JFK: tak konečně jsi dosáhl na dort? :-)

KAL (...181.43...)
2011-04-18 00:36

Luxus. Dal bych si urcite.:-)

m - unsigned guest (...208.91...)
2011-04-17 17:39

JFK dēkuji za info.

AdaAirlines - unsigned guest (...127.244...)
2011-04-17 15:49

JFK: Ahoj Jiriku :-) Tak toto je prvni jidlo, co me nezvedlo ze zidle :-D .. Perfektni :-)

JFK - unsigned guest (...92.150...)
2011-04-17 14:47

Konkrétně tento let to bylo OK-CEC tedy A321

m - unsigned guest (...208.91...)
2011-04-17 14:34

Jaký typ letadla létá do Barcelony z Prahy ?

JFK - unsigned guest (...92.150...)
2011-04-17 14:03

12 records

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