Photo Detail


Author: Paweł Osuch (EPGD Spotters)
Date taken: 08/2010
Number of ratings: 1×
Number of views: 3726×


Iceland Express

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pawel - unsigned guest (...53.62...)
2011-01-12 21:33

a co polecasz Adrian?

adrian - unsigned guest (...102.78...)
2011-01-12 11:36

Cześć, super zdjęcia, ale raczej nie używaj google translatora :)

2011-01-11 20:05

Super, že si mé obrazy líbily :)

XEAR - unsigned guest (...207.1...)
2011-01-11 13:20

Naprostý luxus... !!! Polští spotteři to tu hodně oživili.

bubak - unsigned guest (...230.114...)
2011-01-11 00:25

...ten vyrez je neobvyklej, ale je to fajne...

5 records

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