Photo Detail

CH47 Chinook

Plane type: CH47 Chinook
Airport: Kandahar (KDH/OAKN)
Airline: US Army
Registration: Unknown
Author: Mirek Šedý
Date taken: 06/2010
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 4131×

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tupolev - unsigned guest (...42.129...)
2010-08-01 18:05

icom:jestli to je vůbec vysavač:-)

icom - unsigned guest (...200.55...)
2010-08-01 08:47

Co tam dělá ten ferda s tím vysavačem? :)

arteye - unsigned guest (...103.72...)
2010-07-31 15:56

zajímavá fotka ze ,,zákulisí" a zajímavého prostředí.a ten vrtulas to je pecka..jen houšť

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