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Casa 295M

Author: Pavel Ličman
Date taken: 2010-04-11
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 10034×


11.04. 14:25 The body of Polish President Lech Kaczynski - who died along with 95 others when their Tu-154 crashed near Smolensk yesterday - has arrived back in Warsaw.


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debil - unsigned guest (...183.57...)
2010-05-09 20:46


pilotsk - unsigned guest (...212.34...)
2010-04-15 18:10

uprimnu sustrast ,to sa nemalo stat ,je to velka strata pre polsky lud :((

Petr Drábek - unsigned guest (...179.215...)
2010-04-15 08:18

............každý pád letadla je velmi smutná záležitost.........,pravdivé informace se asi nikdy nedozvíme.

Petr Volek (...201.48...)
2010-04-13 22:16

Tohle se nemělo stát :-(

Paca - unsigned guest (...216.155...)
2010-04-13 21:40

To Komarek: kterej vojenskej pilot bere kralovskej plat? zadnyho neznam. Pokud porovnas platy s civilnima....

Mango - unsigned guest (...195.220...)
2010-04-13 00:26

Vojta: Tak to naprosto souhlasim. Neuvažovali no ... A jestli opravdu prezident kecal do řízení, tak nemysleli tuplem :/

AvionMag - unsigned guest (...195.220...)
2010-04-12 22:30

R.I.P. aneb jak psal jeden polský deník. "Wieczny odpoczynek racz Im dać Panie!"

Vojta - unsigned guest (...168.179...)
2010-04-12 19:18

Petr: Naprostý souhlas...rozebírat přistání za takových podmínek, jaké byly navíc na tak vybaveném letišti asi nemá smysl, vzhledem k tomu, kolik se toho už o tom napsalo. Co mi ale zaráží, že si na palubu letadla vezmou prezidenta, tj. vrchního velitele armády a komplet celý generální štáb, dále velkou část vedení sněmovny, atd.... To mi připadá, že někdo trpí buď absolutním pocitem, že se nemůže nic stát, nebo že je s prominutím nemyslící. Například Američani by tohle v životě neudělali-viz jejich roztříštěnost delegací.

Petr Popelář (...84.36...)
2010-04-12 19:08

Vojta:Myslím, že se jim to moc nepovedlo.....
The (2008). Jan. 23 crash of a Polish air force air transport aircraft that killed all 20 aboard (including high-ranking officials) has led Polish officials to ground its fleet of nine EADS CASA C-295M aircraft pending the results of an investigation. The crash aircraft had fewer than 500 flight hours and its data recorder has been recovered. It clipped trees prior to crashing approximately 1 nm shy of the runway at Miroslawiec air base in northwest Poland. The crash occurred just after 7 p.m. local time. Weather at the time included cloud bases near 300 feet with heavy rain in the area. It was the aircraft's second approach. An instrument landing system had yet to be introduced at Miroslawiec, a spokesman for the Polish air forces, Lieutenant-Colonel Wies³aw Grzegorzewski, told the Polish Radio Information Agency. He added that the pilots knew that the ILS system was not operating at the base and were landing by means of a precision approach radar. The pilots, according to the spokesman, were used to such conditions. The flight was returning personnel from a flight safety conference in Warsaw. Among those killed were Col. Jerzy Pilat, commander of the Miroslawiec air base, and Brig. Gen. Andrzej Andrzejewski, commander of an air brigade based in Swidwin. The Polish government is recognizing the loss with three days of national mourning.

Vojta - unsigned guest (...168.179...)
2010-04-12 18:54

Je to průšvih, co se stalo v sobotu, ale snad se polská armáda poučí a nebude se to opakovat.

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