Photo Detail


Author: martinBTS
Date taken: 01/2010
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 2860×

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Mana - unsigned guest (...135.164...)
2010-02-22 14:04

Lukáš rád zamáva. A vedľa je asi Igor.

BooM - unsigned guest (...112.66...)
2010-01-22 23:25

mne ties pilot v LZTT omaval :D

Karda LBC - unsigned guest (...103.202...)
2010-01-22 17:09

no jo... zrejme byl pouzit stroj casu...:-D

Junior - unsigned guest (...151.218...)
2010-01-22 15:26

Dátum 10/2010 tak to je budúcnosť ... ;-)

citron6 - unsigned guest (...71.177...)
2010-01-22 14:27

a mavaj oba,paráda

zabko - unsigned guest (...173.121...)
2010-01-22 13:02

Fajn posádka,keď zamáva.

Mexa - unsigned guest (...21.117...)
2010-01-22 12:49

Také zdravím :-)

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