Photo Detail


Author: Milan Cibulka
Date taken: 06/2009
Number of ratings: 2×
Number of views: 8470×


One of two MD-11ER in the World fleet.

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jana737 - unsigned guest (...201.62...)
2010-06-07 23:38

Milane pochvala .

Mexa - unsigned guest (...21.117...)
2009-12-21 22:03

To se povedlo !

VP - unsigned guest (...189.158...)
2009-12-21 18:48


bugr (klf) (...207.47...)
2009-12-21 10:22

jako MiCi hezký! A dík za to doplňující info, do blbý wikipedie může napsat kdokoliv cokoliv ale když to píšeš ty tak aspoň víme koho seřvat za případné hovadiny :D

Fero - unsigned guest (...168.63...)
2009-12-21 08:44

Večná škoda, že originálne invenčný Douglas zanikol.

Bubak (...176.171...)
2009-12-21 02:50 to krasa pane Cibulka...mam rad i to povidani u tech fotek...

Sebi - unsigned guest (...183.57...)
2009-12-21 00:08

Jen pro zajimavost, wikipedia:

* MD-11ER (5 built): the Extended Range version was launched by the manufacturer at the Singapore Air Show in February 1994.[2] The MD-11ER incorporates all the Performance Improvement Program (PIP) options, including a Maximum Take-Off Weight of 630,500 lb (286,000 kg) and an extra fuel tank of 3,000 US gallon (11,400 liters) in the forward cargo hold[15] to offer a range of 7,240 nm (13,410 km), an increase of 400 nm (750 km) over the standard passenger variant. MD-11ERs were delivered between 1995 and 1997 to Garuda Indonesia (3) and World Airways (2). As of February 2007, only one Finnair MD-11ER has been converted to MD-11 with the removal of the extra fuel tank.[11]

MK - unsigned guest (...49.75...)
2009-12-21 00:01

Nojo no, bleda zavist ...

8 records

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