Photo Detail

Bell 412EP

Plane type: Bell 412EP
Airport: Off airport
Airline: Policie ÄŒR
Registration: OK-BYR
Author: Michal Budějovský
Date taken: 06/2008
Number of ratings: 1×
Number of views: 16177×

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peto-nitra - unsigned guest (...148.27...)
2009-01-08 17:41

uspesna akcia za prachy z dani, alias definitivni konec vodniku v cechach:)))

catzita - unsigned guest
2008-06-27 18:20

pif náměstku

catzita - unsigned guest
2008-06-27 18:20

a co hodinky za seskok do jezera, nebyly :-))

TomN - unsigned guest
2008-06-27 12:53

Plašení ryb...

Tomino - unsigned guest
2008-06-27 07:33

To není HP ale EP, nééé?

2008-06-26 21:46

Jo jo to byla akce :-) .

6 records

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