Photo Detail


Author: MarekS
Date taken: 03/2008
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 4016×

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catanya - unsigned guest (...101.101...)
2008-10-26 10:51

ahoj marku, fotka je hezká, ale dost tmavá, je to OSUD

SL - unsigned guest
2008-06-09 05:38

Kuba: Tenkrát to byly dorniery..

SL - unsigned guest
2008-06-09 05:37


Ilja - unsigned guest
2008-06-08 22:29

F-OSUD. "OSUD", dobrá imatrikulace.

vrána - unsigned guest
2008-06-08 21:13

Souhlas, je to fešák.

xx.kuba - unsigned guest
2008-06-08 20:19

Nebo to byly dorniery?

xx.kuba - unsigned guest
2008-06-08 18:49

nádherny éro,škoda že je čsa tenkrát nekoupily jak chtěli.

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