Photo Detail


Author: Tomasz Kozakowski
Date taken: 2008-04-29
Number of ratings: 1×
Number of views: 8907×


29.04. Operated on behalf of Air Italy Polska


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Marek Hofman - unsigned guest (...190.64...)
2013-04-20 12:46

Maiden, Maiden!!!

tupolev - unsigned guest (...42.129...)
2010-04-07 17:59

Ed Force One.

Ruzynskej - unsigned guest (...71.85...)
2008-08-05 19:24

Eidi :-)

fly777 - unsigned guest
2008-04-30 07:04

A jako PIC s tímto strojem přiletí sám Bruce Dickinson!

Petr Minařík - unsigned guest
2008-04-29 22:47

To je pecka!

jogie - unsigned guest
2008-04-29 19:41

Uz se na něj těšim....přiletí vůbec toto letadlo?xDxD

6 records

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