Photo Detail


Plane type: TU134A
Airport: Piešťany (PZY/LZPP)
Airline: Preserved
Registration: OK-AFB
Author: MilošMiklánek
Date taken: 12/2006
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 4347×


Awaiting unknown future...

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filipBTS - unsigned guest (...168.74...)
2009-12-09 18:47

ne nemaa teda ted uz nee

Dušan - unsigned guest (...47.35...)
2009-11-06 10:56

Odar:má tam díru jako kráva.Mám detailní fotku.

Odar - unsigned guest (...47.48...)
2009-05-28 22:22

ja som tam bol nedavno a ziadnu dieru ako krava som si nevsimol.

David - unsigned guest
2007-03-04 12:27

Myslim ze na druhe strane cumaku ma prorazenou diru jako krava.. asi od auta :(

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