Photo Detail


Author: Richard Habarta
Date taken: 12/2005
Number of ratings: 3×
Number of views: 13712×


First flight on the re-introduced service from Prague Dec 12th, 2005

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Franta - unsigned guest (...80.64...)
2009-12-08 17:32

Vím,že to nesouvisí,ale je jen náhoda,že 12.12.mám narozeniny a imatrikulace je stejná jako mé iniciály?

Mexa - unsigned guest (...21.117...)
2009-04-28 20:00

Trabant ;-D Pěkné :)

lukas.hason - unsigned guest (...245.78...)
2009-03-16 18:50

Nuž, keby išlo o mrazivý december, pravdepodobne by tá slečna bola inak oblečená, hoci...ktovie možno to stačilo :)

Martin - unsigned guest
2007-12-13 16:15

Zřejmě mrazivý prosinec;)

dědek - unsigned guest
2007-12-13 13:21

tak to je luxus

Petr - unsigned guest
2007-12-13 09:40

Fjůůůůůůůů :-) Pěkná fotka :-)

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