Plane type: | ATR42-500 |
Airport: | Brno (BRQ/LKTB) |
Airline: | Czech Airlines ČSA (CSA/OK) |
Registration: | OK-JFL |
Author: | Richard Habarta |
Date taken: | 12/2005 |
Number of ratings: | 3× |
Number of views: | 13713× |
First flight on the re-introduced service from Prague Dec 12th, 2005
Trabant ;-D Pěkné :)
Nuž, keby išlo o mrazivý december, pravdepodobne by tá slečna bola inak oblečená, hoci...ktovie možno to stačilo :)
Zřejmě mrazivý prosinec;)
tak to je luxus
Fjůůůůůůůů :-) Pěkná fotka :-)
6 records
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